Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Everyday Struggle with Technology.

Being in my generation, it’s the standard that an average person like me is supposed to be a wiz at computers, or at least decently talented at getting the computer to function.
Well… I am not your average person.
 The following depicts my everyday struggle with technology.
I open up the computer... Well... I attempt to.
What usually happens is that I press the power button, then when the computer doesn’t start working in a decent amount of time, my rather short patience level takes over. This leads me to clicking the button a million times per second… Then, the computer proceeds to shut down, and refuses to start up for 15 minutes.
And that’s just the beginning.
This is the first in a series of “technical difficulties” that cause me outrage, grief and anger… It’s not unusual for me to try to pitch the laptop across the room, which is mainly the point when my senses come back.
I don't deserve a laptop.  There are plenty of people who are more technologally apt than I am.
No matter how hard I try, I still cannot figure out how to get to my blog to my dashboard. It’s unnerving when I watch other, more technologically able people maneuver their way around a computer. Sure, I can type… somewhat, but I am lacking in the comprehension area of technology.
            Apparently I have used up 99 GB of storage on my laptop. I don’t even understand how that works.  I deleted a ton of videos, and it barely even made a dent!  Maybe there is some sort of evil creature living inside the hard drive. Surely that is the answer. It cannot be my own load of crap that is the source of that problem.  No. There’s  no way.
            Hm… I should probably stop lying to myself…

Saturday, January 28, 2012


It is virtually impossible to be productive with youtube.com open.  I swear, that site is a magnet for procrastinators like me. One minute you are catching up on the latest clips for the Ellen DeGeneres Show, then 90 minutes later, you are looking up enormous, live mistakes made by news reporters.

You have to admit, the amount of content on YouTube is quite impressive. I looked it up, and the official YouTube statistics (as of today) is that about 48 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube every minute.  (I’ve got proof right here. http://www.youtube.com/t/press_statistics The internet is insane.)

However, I have yet to discover a way to spend a day without going on to this beloved website. Simply put, it’s hard to find an equivalent to the entertainment that YouTube provides.

YouTube is amazing.  Some people make livings off of their YouTube videos. Artists such as Justin Bieber owe their careers to YouTube.  (Don’t hate on Justin, don’t fall in love with him. We don’t even know him.)

However, YouTube is the place where I have witnessed the most cyberbullying on the internet.

Hiding cowardly behind the mask of anonymity, they are poised to attack. They are “fearless” (although using the internet to lash out their cruelty is not something that I consider fearless.)

Then usually the offending comment incites a long stream of arguments throughout the comment section, while the maker of the video watches in awe.

It’s quite disgusting really, but that is one of the internet’s more cruel factors. 

The Thoughts that Ran Through My Head the last Few Moments of Glee.

WARNING! MAJOR SPOILERS TO GLEE’S EPISODE, YES/NO. Also, if you haven't seen the episode it won't make sense anyway.

Will's Proposal:
          Ooh! This is the proposal? Aw, that's sweet. He's walking her down the hall and some random girl gives Emma a rose. See, it's a good idea to have a bunch of people give her roses, but it's probably more meaningful when Emma knows these people personally. Oh, okay, cool. That's good, she knows these people. Why is Sue smiling? This is very out of character for her. Normally Sue would be jealously sulking in the corner because the only wedding she's had is the one to herself. No, seriously. Sue Sylvester married Sue Sylvester in the episode Furt. She also performed the ceremony. (Supposedly she was granted to authority to do so by a website.) I bet Sue didn't have a romantic proposal. I'd also put money on the fact that Emma was probably more surprised about her engagement than Sue was about hers, but I could be wrong.
           Oh look, they're in the pool room. That's probably not the best idea, considering that Emma has a severe case of OCD that almost ended her relationship with Will. Pools aren't always the most sanitary public places.
          Oh Rachel. I'll admit that her voice is fantastic, but they really overuse it.  It wouldn't hurt for the club to showcase someone else's vocals for one episode. Didn't Will learn anything from the forming of the Trebletones? Oh well, at least Santana is singing as well.
            Oh. My. God. He did not just do that. Will just jumped in the pool! In a suit! A really nice suit! He must really love her.
            Oh she said yes. That's cool.

Finn's Proposal:
Hm, that’s nice. They’re talking about his dad and how Finn bears a “slight” resemblance to him.  Okay, so now Finn claims that he never saw the resemblance? What do you mean you could never see the resemblance? That’s probably the same actor, just photoshopped a tiny bit.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Finn? Um. What are you doing? No no no no no no. Are you proposing? What are you thinking? Such a bad idea.
And he’s proposing.
You really want to spend the rest of your life with Rachel? She’s CHEATED ON YOU TWICE!!!!
            You guys never talk! It’s mostly making out! Actually, it’s mostly Rachel talking while you’re listening blankly.
            Well good luck when you guys are planning on raising kids. Rachel pregnant is potentially dangerous.
            I mean, yes you guys are a couple that about 50% of the glee watchers is rooting for, and that’s a fairly impressive statistic, considering all of the couples that glee has paired together.
            But still! Oh good, Rachel isn’t answering, but it doesn’t look as if they will be walking down the aisle anytime soon.